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As of March 2, 2017

PRESIDENT - The President schedules and presides at all meetings of the Club and of the Board at which he/she is present and directs the policies and activities of the Club, subject to the authority and instructions of the Board. The President insures that all board members fulfill their responsibilities.  In case of resignation or non-performance of duties of a board member, the President must either find another individual to perform that board members duties or perform those duties until a suitable replacement is found.   The President is authorized to sign contracts in the name of the club, with Board approval.

VICE-PRESIDENT - In case of absence, resignation, or incapacitation of the President, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President. She/he shall exercise and accept such responsibilities regarding matters which may be assigned or delegated to him/her by the President or the Club.  The Vice President has traditionally performed club paraphernalia procurement and sales, e.g. Action logo shirts, beanies or the like.  The Vice President is also responsible, in conjunction with the Activity Director, to select and secure the End of Year Party member gift.   The Vice President may also be responsible for securing monthly meeting locations in conjunction with the Activity Director.  The Vice President is an elected Executive Member of the Board.
SECRETARY - The Secretary keeps the minutes of all meetings and shall handle any correspondence that is requested by the President.   The Secretary shall send out notices of meetings of the Club, shall keep minutes of such meetings and send them to the board for correction, shall conduct such correspondence of the Club as may be directed by the President, shall preserve historical facts concerning the Club, and shall perform the other duties as requested by the Board.   The Secretary is an elected Executive Member of the Board.
TREASURER - The Treasurer shall collect all dues and revenue and deposit the same in a depository approved by the Board, pay proper bills, keep the accounts of the Club, and reports our financial status at each board meeting.   The Treasurer shall provide to the Board of an annual report for the year at the end of the fiscal year. The Treasurer is authorized to sign checks and contracts in the name of the club with Board Approval.  The Treasurer is an elected Executive Member of the Board.
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR - The Membership Director shall process, record and maintain all memberships.   The Membership Director is responsible for identifying, notifying and encouraging lapsed members to rejoin.  The Director is responsible for making sure the Website Membership page functions appropriately.  The Director provides a monthly report to the board on membership numbers as well as an up-to-date membership status report to trip leaders the day before a trip signup monthly meeting.   On a monthly basis, the Director provides the Communications Director a list of new members including email address for addition to the Constant Contact mailing list.  The Membership Director is an elected Executive Member of the Board.
TRIPS DIRECTOR   With Board approval, the Director proposes the calendar schedule for the next year’s ski season taking into consideration calendar conflicts (e.g. President’s weekend), overlap or closeness to other trips and activities.
The Trips Director is responsible for selecting, with Board approval, flyaway trip destinations and working with tour operators to secure good value for the price---accommodations, airfare, lift tickets, and associated activities.  Flyaway trips planning should start by May of the prior ski year and even earlier with contract signing no later then June to obtain the best accommodations and prices.  Early bird pricing at some resorts expires as early as May 1st of the prior year.
The Director is responsible for selecting Mammoth condo accommodations and negotiating with the appropriate tour operator or director with the complex to get the best prices.   Mammoth accommodation contracts should be well into the process of selection and contract signing by June of the prior year.  The Trips Director also secures Mammoth trip bus operator and insures that bus driver has appropriate Mammoth accommodations and parking.  

The Director is responsible for maintaining the Action Trip Workbook (excel) by updating projected expense and sales figures, profit and loss calculations sheets, Mammoth condo accommodations and bedding.   The Director is also responsible for conducting the Annual Training Meeting to train new trip leaders and update the old ones on how to lead trips and handle the accounting.    
The Trips Director is a NON-ELECTED Executive Member of the board.
ACTIVITY/SOCIAL DIRECTOR – The Activity Director shall be responsible for identifying and offering all social/non-ski activities and for soliciting/appointing leaders for each activity, including our annual End of Year Party.  The Director should insure no conflicting or overlapping similar activities.  The Director, working with the Vice President, should secure locations for our monthly meetings, insuring sufficient space for meeting announcements.  The Director should secure a location for the annual Ski Trip Sales meeting.  The Director insures that all activities are properly promoted to insure maximum member participation and no loss of funds to the club. 
NEWSLETTER EDITOR – Writes and produces the monthly newsletter to promote our monthly meeting and upcoming events.  Solicits input from the board and event leaders for write-ups and photos from their recent activities.  Solicits a monthly “---sez”, safety articles, birthdays, other articles of interest.  Edits write-ups as appropriate.
COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR – The Communications Director is responsible for notifying and promoting our activities in a timely manner to members and interested non-members on our mailing list.  The Communications Director should monitor trip activity and fullness works with event leaders to fill activities to the maximum and insure events and activities do not incur losses.  Currently we are using Constant Contact to do so.  The Communications Directors must add new members to the Constant Contact mailing list upon receipt of the monthly new member list from the Membership Director.   The Communications Director also maintains our Facebook page so that members may post photos and comments from attended events.
SAN DIEGO COUNCIL REP – Represents Action on the San Diego Council of Ski Clubs by attending their meetings and insuring Action interests and needs are met.  Updates the Action Board on Council activities and encourages Action participation in Council activities when appropriate, providing flyers and event information to the appropriate board members for promotion.
MARKETING DIRECTOR – The Marketing Director promotes the club to obtain new members.  Currently is our major vehicle.   The Marketing Director insures that all events are posted in a timely manner, that events are updated and resent as needed when events are changed or have not yet filled.   The Marketing Director looks for other ways to promote the club—flyers in sports stores, promos in regional sports magazines.
WEBMASTER – Maintains the current website by posting current events and activities, ensuring the Membership page works properly, updating other website pages as appropriate and in a timely manner.  
PAST PRESIDENT – The Past President shall provide guidance, knowledge, and assistance to the current President and to the entire Board.